Thinking of our seas

We already have a new Christmas here and, with it, the need to rethink the moment we live in.


After another atypical year full of uncertainty, at Folch Ropes we wanted to reflect on the authentic meaning that these dates should have and on the need to be grateful for the good things that, despite everything, we have received.

Therefore, we have turned our eyes to face one of the great threats of our present and future times: climate change. The dangers of global warming are becoming more and more tangible, so we are proud to announce that this year the economic portion that we allocate annually to the Christmas gift will be invested in an environmental project. From Folch Ropes we have decided to contribute to the protection of our seas. We will do this through Oceanic Global, an organization that is dedicated to raising awareness and that deserves our full trust. The project to which we will allocate the money is to promote positive change, and you can find out about it at this link:

So, we are very pleased to think that this Christmas our seas will receive a small token of appreciation from Folch Ropes, in recognition of all that they give us.

Hoping that you like this initiative as much as we do, we wish you all a happy holidays and a definitely better year 2022.

To all, our thanks and our warmth.

Lluís Margalef.
CEO of Folch Ropes. S.A.

Thinking of our seas